Paul Bradley (Bardster)
Bespoke craft work in leather and wood
Paul is a skilled craftsman who works in both leather and wood to create beautiful and functional items for everyday use. He counts leather working, woodturning and spoon carving amongst the many crafts he has explored and enjoyed.
If you require a bespoke item then please contact him regarding your requirements.
Most of his work is either special orders or commissions but now and again he will make something just because, or as a sample. prototype or test of a new technique. These items will generally be unique and one-offs and can be found here in the shop.
About Me
I have been working with leather as a hobby since my early twenties, but only in recent years has it turned into the passion it is today.
Wood turning is one of those things I seem to have been doing forever, purely for relaxation. I started with a drill-powered lathe as a boy, progressing to the monster I use today. I am happy to say that the plates, bowls and cups I make get daily use at every meal, with the china relegated to high days and holidays.
As a member of the local bodgers (Association of Pole Lathe Turners and Green Woodworkers, APT&GW) I can often be found in the woods making a spoon or two from green wood.
I enjoy teaching and can be found running courses for others and am available for one-to-one tuition.
If you would like to discuss a possible commission or tuition day please contact me